Peking Duck

Peking Duck is a duck dish from Beijing, China. It is considered to be the national dish of China now, and I’m not going to try to replicate the exact version they are making. That would be nearly impossible. I’m looking forward to this one, because I just love to explore new couisins.

Serving: 3-4 pers
Estimated time to prepare: 2,5 hours
Difficulty: 3


1 Whole Duck (about 2kgs is good)
3-4 Scallions
1/2 Squash
Basically any vegetable you would like to eat together with the duck,
cucumber, beans, pretty much everything that has a crunch to it.

Raw Whole Duck

Raw Whole Duck


3 tbs Acasie Honey
0,5 dl Sesame Oil
1 tbs Hoisin Sauce
0,5 dl Soy Sauce
2 tbs White Wine Vinegar
1 tsp Grated Ginger

Ingredients for Marinade

Ingredients for Marinade

1 tbs Sugar

300g All Purpose Flour
2 dl water


Let’s get started, shall we? 🙂 First, do not attempt this dish if you are impatient or are in a hurry. You should start the day before to dry out the duck. Leave it in a warm place
for 12 hours. This will help to get that skin crispy later on.

Slice the duck open and cut off the legs and wings. Cut along the back of the duck, but dont cut all the way. It has to be in one piece before we continue. I like to burn off the remaining feathers and stuff with a torch. I don’t fancy eating feathers… Yes, it does smell a bit bad when torch it, but it’s absolutely worth it. 🙂

Duck Ready for Marinade

Duck Ready for Marinade

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade. Put the “flat” duck on a grate with the skin down, and brush the marinade on the top. Leave in the oven to roast for approx 30 minutes on 160 degrees C. Keep brushing that marinade every 5-10 minutes. BE SURE TO PUT A BAKING-/DRIPTRAY UNDER THE GRATE TO COLLECT THE JUICES AND FAT.



Nice time to chop some vegetables, so get that done now.

Cut vegetable strips

Cut vegetable strips

Turn it and brush the skin. Let it roast for another 30 minutes while you keep brushing that marinade to the skin. Crank up the heat to 250 degrees C and let it get some color and crispness. It will take around 10-20 minutes depending on your oven.

While you are waiting for the magic to happen, bring 2 dl water to a boil. Mix the boiling water with the flour, and make a nice and smooth dough. Let it rest 10-15 minutes.

Roll it out to small “tortillas” and bake them in a dry roasting pan. Keep them warm.

Use the fat from the baking tray to make a dipping sauce. Add water and Soy + sugar to taste.

Carve the duck and cut into suitable strips. If you like, you can always fry the strips for extra crispness.

Nice and crispy

Nice and crispy

Roll everything in the “tortillas” and enjoy!

Peking Duck

Peking Duck



